The Code Review Process

No matter how experienced we are, we will make mistakes at work.

This simple fact is one of the reasons why Code Reviews are so important.

🥅 The goal is to have a quick feedback cycle on PRs 
and to merge them on short periods of time.

Code Reviews

The goals

  • Maintain a high quality codebase and product.
  • Share knowledge about the codebase.
  • Since we expect long-lived code to be read more than it is written, we want to optimize for readability & understandability.
  • Building a positive culture.
  • Value learning over the process.

Priority and timing

Code reviews should be prioritized over other types of work because it unblocks other developers. However, this does not mean to stop whatever you are doing every time a new PR arrives. Finish your focus block and review the PR afterwards.

If a PR needs urgent reviews, it can be escalated via Slack DMs.

The idea is to have fast feedback cycles and to merge PRs within a day (for regular size PRs, less than ~500 lines changed).

Pull Requests


  • Complete a detailed PR description describing what and why changes were made.
    • High-level goal and reason for the changes.
    • Add relevant links (ticket number, bug report page, slack discussions).
    • Describe the changes that were performed.
    • Add testing details (steps to reproduce, test user credentials, etc).
    • If the UI was changed, provide screenshots and/or videos.
      📝 The more context you provide, the easier the PR will be to review, 
      and therefore to merge.
  • Assign at least 2 people as reviewers.


  • Make smaller and more concise PRs.
    • Quick feedback loops: Smaller PRs gets reviewed and merged faster.
    • Fewer merge conflicts.
    • Easier to test.
  • Self review before submitting.
    • This practice will allow you to spot obvious mistakes and tighten the feedback cycle.
  • Optimize for readability.
    • This rule also apply to commit messages.
  • Follow the scouts rule: Always leave the code better than you found it.

Addressing Feedback

  • All comments should be addressed before merging.
    • This could be as easy as reacting to a comment and mark it as done after making the proposed change; or engaging in a discussion about the comment.
  • In the case that you find a non-trivial mistake in the code after it has been approved, you should request a new round of reviews.

PR Checklist

  • Am I duplicating existing code?
  • Does all the new entities have the correct access level?
  • Am I introducing warnings to the project? → If this is the case, it should fail on CI.
  • Am I introducing tech debt? → If this is the case, Did I create a task for addressing it later?
  • Am I introducing any retain cycle?
  • Did I add/update documentation?
  • Am I using magic numbers/strings/etc?
  • Am I following the team’s coding conventions throughout my changes?
  • Am I handling and logging all errors correctly?
  • Did I remove any [commented-out, TODO marks, print statements, etc] from the code?
  • Did I add test coverage for the new additions?

Merging the PR

In order to keep a linear history and to avoid nasty merge conflicts, you should be rebasing your changes against the merging branch before merging.

After the rebased changes has been pushed, the CI passed and the PR got the approvals, the PR can be safely merged.


Reviewing other people code is a learning opportunity, so take the time you need to read through the code and understand how your team mates think and solve problems.


  • Read the PR body carefully before jumping to the code to get as much context as possible.
  • Always add prefixes to your comments so the PR owner knows how important they are.
    • nit: Small change that won’t require a re-review.
    • optional: Can be ignored.
    • blocker: Something that needs to be changed before merging. These type of comments will require the review to be marked as Request changes.
  • We should strive to have a typos-free codebase, it’s highly recommended that all engineers have set up some sort of automatic typo detection on their IDEs.
  • Reviewers should not be looking at linting and/or formatting issues. All those rules should be enforced by the linters and CI should fail if there are warnings ⚠️.


  • Assume competence and good intent.
  • Be kind and praise good code.
  • The code belongs to the team, use team language (we, our) instead of personal language (me, you).

Reviewers Checklist

  • Strive for readability and understandability. The code that will be merged will be read many times in the future.
  • Check that the new code follows the team conventions/architecture.
  • Does the new code fulfill the requirements?
The Code Review Process |
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