Enhancing Testability with protocols

In the last post we’ve discussed hot to enhance testability without using protocols. In this one, we will build something similar but using protocols instead.

We will be using dependency injection to be able to inject the real objects in the app, and inject mock objects in the tests / previews.

We will also use the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) to enforce that the code does not depend on methods it does not use.

We will model the state of the view using a lighter version of ViewState:

enum ViewState<Info> {
    case initial
    case loading
    case loaded(Info)
    case error

We can separate this into 3 layers:

1. View

struct CatFactView: View {
    @StateObject var viewModel: ViewModel = .init(service: CatService())

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            switch viewModel.state {
            case .initial:
            case .loading:
            case let .loaded(fact):
            case .error:
            Button("Fetch another") {
                Task {
                    await viewModel.fetch()
        .task {
            await viewModel.fetch()

Almost identical to the one in the previous post, with the difference of the ViewModel not needing the dependencies struct.

2. ViewModel

extension CatFactView {
    final class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
        @Published var state: ViewState<CatFact> = .initial
        private let service: FetchCatFactProtocol

        init(service: FetchCatFactProtocol = CatService()) {
            self.service = service

        func fetch() async {
            do {
                state = .loading
                let fact = try await service.fetchCatFact()
                withAnimation { state = .loaded(fact) }
            } catch {
                withAnimation { state = .error(error) }

Now, we inject a FetchCatFactProtocol object in the initializer. Which is a protocol that defines the fetchCatFact method. We can now proceed to the service layer.

3. Service

protocol FetchCatFactProtocol {
    func fetchCatFact() async throws -> CatFact

struct CatService: FetchCatFactProtocol {
    func fetchCatFact() async throws -> CatFact {
        /// This is using: https://github.com/mdb1/CoreNetworking
        try await HTTPClient.shared
                    urlString: "https://catfact.ninja/fact/",
                    method: .get([]),
                    headers: [:]
                responseType: CatFact.self

This is where it gets interesting. Instead of just declaring a CatService struct with a lot of methods inside. We create different protocols for each method and then make the CatService conform to the protocols needed.

By doing this, we enforce the Interface Segregation Principle, and we can now use the protocols for dependency injection. It is impossible for the CatFactView.ViewModel to call the updateName method on the CatService struct, given it doesn’t know it exists.

In the real app code, we can use the CatService object where needed:

CatFactView(viewModel: .init(service: CatService()))

Whereas in the previews/tests, we can just create new mock objects that conform to the protocols:


struct FetchCatServiceMock: FetchCatFactProtocol {
    var throwsError: Bool
    var sleepNanoseconds: UInt64 = 1_000_000_000
    func fetchCatFact() async throws -> CatFact {
        try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: sleepNanoseconds)
        if throwsError {
            throw NSError(domain: "1", code: 1)
        } else {
            return .init(fact: "A mocked fact")

struct CatFactView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        VStack {
            CatFactView(viewModel: .init(service: FetchCatServiceMock(throwsError: false)))
            CatFactView(viewModel: .init(service: FetchCatServiceMock(throwsError: true)))



Finally, on the testing side, we can leverage our protocols and leverage the already created mock in the main target.

import XCTest

final class CatFactViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
    func testFetchCatFactSuccess() async {
        // Given
        let mockFact = CatFact(fact: "A mocked fact")
        let sut = CatFactView.ViewModel(service: FetchCatServiceMock(
            throwsError: false,
            sleepNanoseconds: 0

        // When
        await sut.fetch()

        // Then
        XCTAssertEqual(sut.state.info, mockFact)

    func testFetchCatFactSuccessStates() {
        // Given
        let mockFact = CatFact(fact: "A mocked fact")
        let sut = CatFactView.ViewModel(service: FetchCatServiceMock(
            throwsError: false,
            sleepNanoseconds: 0

            when: {
                Task {
                    await sut.fetch()
            type: ViewState<CatFact>.self,
            testCase: self,
            publisher: sut.$state,
            valuesLimit: 3,
            initialAssertions: {
                XCTAssertEqual(sut.state, .initial)
            valuesAssertions: { values in
                // Then
                XCTAssertEqual(values.map { $0 }, [.initial, .loading, .loaded(mockFact)])

    func testFetchCatFactError() async {
        // Given
        let sut = CatFactView.ViewModel(service: FetchCatServiceMock(
            throwsError: true,
            sleepNanoseconds: 0

        // When
        await sut.fetch()

        // Then
        XCTAssertEqual(sut.state, .error(NSError(domain: "1", code: 1)))

    func testFetchCatFactErrorStates() {
        // Given
        let sut = CatFactView.ViewModel(service: FetchCatServiceMock(
            throwsError: true,
            sleepNanoseconds: 0

            when: {
                Task {
                    await sut.fetch()
            type: ViewState<CatFact>.self,
            testCase: self,
            publisher: sut.$state,
            valuesLimit: 3,
            initialAssertions: {
                XCTAssertEqual(sut.state, .initial)
            valuesAssertions: { values in
                // Then
                    values.map { $0 },
                    [.initial, .loading, .error(NSError(domain: "1", code: 1))]

    func testMemoryDeallocation() {
        // Given
        let sut = CatFactView.ViewModel(service: FetchCatServiceMock(throwsError: false))

        // Then
        assertMemoryDeallocation(in: sut)
Test Suite 'CatFactViewModelTests' passed at 2023-07-06 19:56:49.991.
Executed 5 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.006 (0.017) seconds

The complete code can be found in this repository.

You can also check out how to achieve the same results without using protocols in this post.

Related Articles

Enhancing Testability with protocols | manu.show
Tags: iOS testing
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